Hey My name is

Karolina Dubiel 

I'm a Georgia Tech CS major heading the Girls in Aerospace Foundation.  As the daughter of first-generation immigrants, I'm passionate about STEM equality and opportunity access.

Here's what I've been working on recently (PS. I built Particle Visualization for Impact Hack Atlanta '23, and it won two first-place prizes! 🥇):

🔗 Particle Visualization

My technical projects and hackathon submissions are on my Github.

My skills include web development (such as www.girlsinaerospace.org ), Linux system hardening, programming (C, Java, JS, HTML, CSS), and critiquing sushi . If you'd like to contact me, you can do so by emailing karolina (at) girlsinaerospace.org, or reach out via LinkedIn.

Get Humata.ai

I'm an affiliate of Humata.ai, an AI that specializes in processing files, with a student plan starting at $1.99/month. If you get Humata through this link, I'll make a portion of profits:

 Try Humata.ai with my link ->


You may have seen me in:

  • TEDx Sahalee Road, where I gave a talk on the gender gap in aerospace
  • N2K's T-Minus Podcast, where I spoke about my founder journey building Girls in Aerospace
  • Facebook's Meet the Future Campaign , where I was one of ~10 Polish youth featured as Gen-Z changemakers
  • Reinvented Magazine, where I was interviewed for Issue 14